Down Drafts and Side Drafts

Precision Airflow

A Balanced Booth

  • Contains over-spray and fumes inside the paint booth
  • Keeps all dirt and other contaminants outside the paint booth
  • Prevents spray booth doors from slamming shut or blowing open
  • Provides a safe environment for employees
  • Provides optimal environment for quality paint jobs

Benefits of NLOC Precision Air Flow

  • Using VFDs to control fan speeds as filters load, the fan speed is increased automatically by presetting the magnehelic gauge to a desired pressure
  • Maintains a balanced paint booth, as outlined above, without the need to constantly monitor and manually adjust.
  • Extends filter life, allowing full loading of filters, without sacrificing proper airflow
  • Substantial energy savings over damper control or other methods of flow control

Our down draft side draft spray booths are engineered to distribute the air efficienty and evenly throughout the booth. The typical manufacturer dumps all the supply air into one location, causing turbulence and “dead” spots in the painting area. NLOC provides several points of entry into the divided supply plenum and each point of entry is equipped with it’s own damper for ultimate control.

You might think that an NLOC down draft side draft spray booth would be more expensive with these high quality air control features built in. But our superior manufacturing methods and state of the art equipment allows us to offer a superior product at an extremely competitive price. Request a quote and compare…You’ll see for yourself that doing it right won’t break the bank!

Humidity & Temperature Control

Controlling temperature and humidity levels in your product finishing operation can have a major impact on your bottom line. Maintaining the optimum temperature and humidity reduces production costs through greater efficiency, fewer defects, and efficient drying time while also providing a more comfortable work environment for employees.

Our humidification systems are custom-engineered to best suit the specifications of each project. Our experience will provide you with an optimized system design, and the cost/benefit analysis is to assist you in making an informed decision. Call us to discuss your project and let us show you how our design can save you money now and for years to come.

NLOC Technology

We've developed a high quality spray booth that will save you money immediately on installation.

Energy efficient

Reduce the make-up air required for your spray booth with our proprietary "Tactical Flo" design with re-circulated air.

Precision air flow

Maintain a balanced paint booth and extend filter life, allowing full loading of filters without sacrificing airflow.

humidity and temp control

Control temperature and humidity levels in your product finishing operation and have a major impact on your bottom line.

NLOC Innovations

Fax: 715.836.8365
1935 Truax Blvd, Eau Claire, Wi. 54703

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